Is Your Home Ready For Winter?

Summer in Australia never seems to last as long as the build-up, and with COVID-19 keeping many people locked indoors, it may feel like summer has passed quicker than in previous years. With winter on the horizon, it's important to know whether you are ready for the change in weather. There are many ways you can prepare your home for winter, and some are much more effective than others. Perhaps the most effective and easy to forget way to get your home ready for winter is through ceiling insulation. Here is how to check if your home's ceiling insulation is doing its job and what to do if it isn't.

How To Tell If Your Ceiling Insulation Is Up To Scratch

Ceiling insulation serves a couple of purposes, and all of them revolve around keeping your home at a convenient and comfortable temperature. Often when the temperature degrades in one particular area that room will have a very different temperature scale to the rest of the house. If one area of your home is colder or warmer than the rest, then this is a good sign the insulation has degraded past the point of usefulness. Alternatively, if the temperature of your whole home fluctuates quite a lot, then chances are you have no ceiling insulation at all.

Ceiling Insulation Inspection

Before you decide on whether you need new ceiling insulation, you should get your current ceiling insulation — or lack thereof — inspected. Many roof insulation companies will offer this inspection as part of their overall service. They will tell you exactly what insulation was used, whether it is still effective and what they can do to replace it and make it better. If they find a big problem with certain areas then you should get the ceiling insulation restored or replaced.

Benefits Of Ceiling Insulation

Ceiling insulation may not seem like a big deal but it can dramatically lower your heating costs in the winter, as well as keep you nice and warm during long winter nights and cold mornings. It acts as a barrier to prevent heat loss and there are many great materials that can be used, depending on your location, budget and what your contractor has in store. If you want to be comfortable and save money on heating costs this winter, then ceiling insulation is an obvious way to do this. Contact a ceiling insulation service for more information. 
